Part 22: Tank Masters: Rank A.
Tank Masters: Rank A.

The Slimquistion is here to sanctify these corpses in the name of the Goddess! Time to spread Her holy power.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but Well, this team is awful. Curate Rollo is rarely needed, Flabbot Flancisco heals the tank fairly slowly, and Mother Glooperior is extremely slow when shes carrying ammo. Its not the worst team I could have been given, but its close. (Please dont give me a worse team than this. Theres no team-picking for the championship match, so the vote at the end of this update is the final one.)

This fight is definitely the worst in Rank A, simply because Judge Mental combines third-tier missiles and iron balls with Edged Boomerangs that will help his shots hit their mark. Without a good team helping to overwhelm them with superior firepower, this fight drags on longer than most.

...Theres honestly not much more to say about this one. Its an annoyingly defensive opponent that eventually makes me pull out a triple Meteorite just to be sure they finally bite the dust. (An Edged Boomerang would have still ripped through all three.)

While the Slimquistion is busy consecrating this tank, lets pick on some Picksys!

Wow, we havent seen someone calling their attacks since the Short Shooters crew way back in Tootinschleimans Tomb. Pablo Pickasso also has slightly lackluster ammo, so its honestly pretty easy to just throw some shields out where hes shooting from and lob everything else into the other cannon.

The T-Raxs axe does help protect it a little bit, but its still a fairly easy fight compared to what comes before and after.

There is a brief attempt to invade our tank by air and a demonstration of the chilli peppers power, but it comes too late to save Pablos crew.

Its time to borrow young Bos tank and see how it performs! Lets whack some moles.

...Dear Goddess, its like a hippie exploded in here.

So the gimmick for this fight is that these two Jinksters will teleport over to the Nemesis as soon as they can, and then start harassing our crew with Frizz. On the upside, this means Curate Rollo finally has something to do.

The Jinksters still only have 3 HP and tend to stay still, so theyre not hard to deal with. Aside from that, its a fairly standard shootout.

Stick to the usual tactics, and everything should be fine.

Alright, now were getting into the fights that actually require you to have beaten Flucifer, so theyre going to have 1500 HP at a minimum. Having a bad team for this would not be pretty, so please Dont make these videos 10+ minutes long.

Short Shooter
Chrono Twigger
Fort Knight
Daemolition Man
S. Cargo
Baron Blubba
Big Daddy
Mama Mia
Mischievous Mole
Living Statue
Walking Corpse
Dancing Flame
Restless Armour
Killing Machine